Providing a List of best B Schools in indore that can be one of the best b schools in Central india is always based on various parameters like eduction quality, placement success, curriculam and also the strenght of B school alumni with high profile management graduates. The best B-schools in indore have a strong belief of building a strong foundation for corporate interface through excellent innovative practices. Among the List of best B-Schools in Indore the b-Schools that can top the chart of best b-schools are those B-Schools where Industry interface provides the tail wind for B-schools to be the best B-Schools in Indore with top rank in the list of best B-schools in Indore.Industry interface is most critical differentiator for B-schools worldwide. It also has a strong bearing on a B-school’s intellectual capital. In India, the level of interface is very low and there are some misconceptions, too. Public relations work done for placing students such as organizing guest lectures and seminars are often the activity that B-schools do in the name of industry interface.
The critical indicators of the level of industry interface are the number of joint research projects taken up with industry, the number of field cases authored by faculty, the number of live cases that students take up with industry, the number of open management development programmes (MDPs) conducted, the number of consulting projects taken up by faculty and the revenue generated from them, and the frequency of revamping the curriculum and its relevance. The starting point of good industry interface is the composition of the governing board of the institute, which in my view should have at least 30% of members from industry. In addition to this, industry representation is necessary in the academic council of every area/specialization of the institute to review the curriculum and plan other activities every year. The industry representative should belong to the industry that recruits students from the institute in that particular area. The representative should be active in day-to-day activities of his/her organization and not some retired official looking for a pastime. At Pioneer Institute of Professional studies, one of the Best B schools in Indore, Industry integration has a very special connotation. It is to be integrated continuously with the flow of academic activities from admissions, broad design and architecture, course curriculum, delivery, project work to evaluation throughout the year and every year.