Educational Quality: Top MBA Colleges In Indore

Educational Quality: Top MBA Colleges In Indore

Test-based accountability systems are now a central feature of U.S. education policy. Accountability systems are implemented as a way to improve student outcomes through new, highly visible incentives. In analyzing the effectiveness of such state systems, the correct comparison is not accountability versus any accountability but the differential effects related to the type of system that is employed. The alternative systems that states have developed offer very different incentives. State accountability systems differ in a variety of important ways.
At our MBA COlleges in Indore, we concentrate on the various activities that are the focus of attention (outcomes or a mixture of inputs and process measures), the scope of the measures included, and the design of reporting and incentives. The Management and the staff of MBA college consider the available evidence on impacts of different systems. While research on the outcomes of accountability systems is growing rapidly, it still represents a young and highly selective body of work. The existing research suggests that Business schools or MBA COlleges in Indire, definitely respond to the incentives of accountability systems, but the form and strength of such responses is highly variable.

We conclude with new evidence about the impacts of accountability systems on achievement and on special education placement rates. So our top MBA College in Indore also support that the education makes us more civilized and better educated. It helps us in making better position in the society and achieves dreamed position in the job.

Avani Trivedi
Asst.Professor, Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies

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