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Educational Quality: Top MBA Colleges In Indore

Test-based accountability systems are now a central feature of U.S. education policy. Accountability systems are implemented as a way to improve student outcomes through new, highly visible incentives. In analyzing the effectiveness of such state systems, the correct comparison is not accountability versus any accountability but the differential effects related to the type of system that is employed. The alternative systems that states have developed offer very different incentives. State accountability systems differ in a variety of important ways.
At our MBA COlleges in Indore, we concentrate on the various activities that are the focus of attention (outcomes or a

What Business Needs from Top Business Schools

Six Principles for B-schools Program Reform   

Business Schools needs more courses in the “people skills” that are vital to managing effectively. Emphasize the basic skills and tools needed for problem solving. Provide strong grounding in theories of economics, measurement, governance, psychology, human behavior, and leadership.

The Top Business Schools should have a curricula that students can learn by doing to apply multiple disciplines on the job. Encourage students to take electives outside the traditional core curriculum with business school moulding the students for the real corporate world.

Create differentiated curricula and allow students to concentrate in specific industries.   



Educational technology is the effective use of technological tools in learning. As a concept, it concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and networking hardware, as well as considering underlying theoretical perspectives for their effective application.

Educational technology is not restricted to high technology. Also called e-learning, it includes an array of approaches, components, and delivery methods.For example, m-learning emphasizes mobility, but is otherwise indistinguishable in principle from educational technology.

Educational technology includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video tape,

Importance of practical learning in education system

Education is the key to developing our younger generation today and we want to see a generation of young leaders who are built-up to be capable, resilient and faithful. Although it is necessary to gain knowledge by being ‘books-smart’ or ‘exams-savvy’, it is also essential to inculcate good character values, self awareness and social effectiveness in the younger generation. We believe that our younger generation should receive an all-rounded education, both in book knowledge and practical skills which will enable them to excel in the societal environment and achieve personal success and growth.

Better learning- Real-life practical training gives a

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